Manufacturing of Ready-mixed paint with Dehydrated Castor Oil 脱水蓖麻油生产调合漆
Based its composition and properties, this article has described the present status and future development prospect of application of castor oil, dehydrated castor oil, and blown castor oil in coatings industry. 本文结合蓖麻油的组成结构与性质,概述了蓖麻油和脱水蓖麻油、氧化蓖麻油等相关衍生物在涂料中的应用现状及其应用前景。
Synthesise of Dicarboxylic Acid by Fatty Acids Derived from Dehydrated Castor Oil 脱水蓖麻油脂肪酸合成C(21)二元羧酸
The Research on the Manufacturing Conditions of Dehydrated castor Oil 脱水蓖麻油生产条件的研究
Evaluation on intermittent dehydrated unit of Castor Oil 蓖麻油脱水工艺间歇釜式反应装置的评选
In the extracting process of dehydrated castor oil, the catalytic effect of CuSO_4, H_3PO_4, NaHSO_4 and the function of assistant citrin TBHQ's prevention from the side effect are being studied. 在脱水蓖麻油的制取中,研究催化剂CuSO4、H3PO4、NaHSO4的催化效果及助剂柠檬酸、TBHQ对防止副反应发生,提高产品质量的作用。
The dehydrated castor oil was processed into linoleic acid through saponification and neutralization. 脱水蓖麻油用氢氧化钠皂化,再用盐酸酸化,得到以亚油酸为主的不饱和脂肪酸。
Iodine value of the dehydrated castor oil prepared under the conditions arrives at 136 on the average, and its color is relatively light. 在该工艺条件下制得的脱水蓖麻油平均碘值达到136,且色泽较浅。